Battle of the Bands

A person plays the drums on stage at a music concert. [pexels-yankrukov]
  • EVENT DATE:  8 to 10 p.m. Oct 2, 2024   
    • @ Bourbon Theatre, 1415 O Street

Six local bands that include UNL students will compete for two spots to play at the Cornstock Festival for the championship on October 4. 



  • Drew Phillips Band
  • Pearl Parade
  • Joy Rager
  • Wicked Bones
  • The Breakroom


Student attendees will vote for their favorite bands after the competition. 



1 point per spectator, with a maximum of 25 points for all groups.


Event Pass will be used to track Audience Participation Points. Event Pass is a a convenient way for you to check in with your smartphone. Speed up your entry into the Bourbon by saving the Event Pass to your Apple Wallet or Google Pay app prior to arriving at the event.

Directions to get your Event Pass

  1. Log in to NvolveU with your campus login information.
  2. Click on your initial in the top right of the page after logging in.
  3. Click on the blue QR code in the top left of the pop-up.
  4. Take a picture, screenshot, or save your unique QR code to your wallet on your phone.
  5. Present this QR code to be checked in at the event.



UPC Nebraska


Homecoming 2024

Tuesday - Yard Games Tournament

Discover all the events of Homecoming Week, including Showtime at the Coliseum, Battle of the Bands, Lawn Displays, and Cornstock Festival.

Full Schedule
Save the Date: Cornchella | 2024 Homecoming | Sept 30–Oct 5